Without more information it's not easy to answer your question, but I'll give it a fighting try :) The health insurance industry is a commodity industry, they sell the same things at around the same prices and every little competitive edge is something they hang on to dearly. It's not surprising...
Still gather cash flow generating assets for your mom business; such as mortgages, bonds, and other types of debt/s and repackage them into discrete classes based on the level of credit risk assumed by you as an investor. Then you can help your mom get her business publicly trade.
You don't. But you can definitely build the product. This is a crowded market where reputation is of critical importance. It is much easier to get a large sponsor to revenue share and handle distribution and marketing. Most of the insurance companies would be a good target for annuity products b...
I actually did this business. The short answer is the vendor landscape is super-varied, and that means you have a ton of different companies to deal with, each of whom tends to be small and doesn't have a very good vendor support operation. Since we didn't want to carry inventory we did drop ship...
Likely you best rethink this. You've already used the work "employees", so you've already proved your workers aren't 1099 contractors. The rules a person must meet to be a 1099 contractor. 1) They have no supervision. 2) They have no set hours. For example, I have a 1099 contractor who runs ...
I don't think this is a name that will receive many unsolicited bids, so you'd be best of identifying some potential buyer and setting a Buy Now price along with requesting offers.
I have been in this situation as well as almost every other web application developer and I learned my lesson along the way. You said you and 3 others tested, but I feel that 4 people may not be enough. I think at least 50 to 75 people is a much more sufficient number and here is how I do it wit...
It's worth noting I'm not a lawyer (I advise you to check in with one) but have played a major role in 4 acquisitions. I would have the contract read that your client pays the success fees, seems a bit odd to have the acquiring company pay the success fees. Let them negotiate with the acquiri...
There are some things that you can do for the safety of your rental dresses. Getting business insurance is the first and most practical thing to do but it is not possible to claim insurance after each and every instance of product damage. So apart from insurance, you will also need to have care m...
Jon Loomer has an excellent library of resource that can help you: https://www.jonloomer.com/tag/facebook-custom-audiences/