Never get in business with people you want to buy out. Do not sign any agreement to give away such big chunk of your business unless you are 100% convinced they're the best people to work with. From your long description, it doesn't seem you believe they are trustworthy nor that they deliver the ...
Here are 3 ways you could find out who the investors are. Internal documents At any AGM (annual general meeting, which you would have a right to attend) this would obviously be disclosed. Also in the shareholders agreement, all parties would likely sign and you could find out then, and without ...
I know couple of businesses which could be of your interest to you. At the same time, since I have been 3-4 businesses simultaneously for quite sometime and also share similar vision like yours, Would you be interested in a short discussion? Fyi, I am also on the lookout of partners who can suppo...
Probate is tough. As I helped to launch my Real Estate Investment & Management Firm almost 10 years ago, I was on the lookout by monitoring the updates from the Public Guardian of my local County and other venues. But, the challenge of dealing with the Courts outweighed any potential gain.
I'll provide a generalized answer to the question with the caveat that there is somewhat of an exception with Israeli companies but even there, it's more of an exception than a normative behaviour. Angel investors are likely to invest anywhere in the world wherever there is an amazing company wi...
Hey There! Many businesses fail to maximize the potential of their content due to a lack of contextualization. It's great to see that you are taking steps to address this crucial aspect of content creation. Based on the information you have provided and the topics you are seeking help with, her...
Since you mentioned you're raising a seed round, I strongly suggest not using an investment banker. At the seed stage, VCs are investing in you more than your business—putting a banker in the middle will do you a lot of disservice. IBs are typically used for Series B and beyond. I also noticed...
Trust this is resolved by now. A simple search in chatgpt or perplexity can identify multiple SDG impact funds, beyond which your pitch should be perfect. All the best.
There are a lot of different ways to get money for your vision. Start locally, then branch out find more options on the national level. Your local arts council or other non-profits may have opportunities for you to spread your message and gain more traction and attention from likely benefactors. ...
I don't think there's a right—meaning, sane—answer here. How much capital do you think you'll need over the next 4-5 years? Series A? Series B? So on? Some, but not all, institutional investors will take a look at a cap table made longer by crowdfunding the way kids look at a pool that's been pee...