Bids for websites/startups on, if you want to get your startup funded the best sites are and its not technically a bid but the outcome is similar.
"Angel Investing: The Gust Guide to Making Money and Having Fun Investing in Startups" by David S. Rose is a good place to start. It's written from the perspective of being an investor, but it's very helpful for those wishing to raise funds as well.
Hi: Congrats on getting your service app to this point. Fundraising takes a lot of energy and time--more time than you think it will. Instead of embarking on that journey right now, consider channeling your time and energy into generating sales: Bootstrapping the promotions and marketing to start...
You should have a proof metric - market traction, market proof, proof that they are not wasting their time on your site with half-baked ideas. You should also have some way to show that there has investigation and transparency into the crowdfunders. Try a group with vetting services like http://c...
Try Google For Startups, StartUp Weekend, and Amazon Web Serices for Small Business. Good luck :)
Red Flags in early discussions: 1) Request to see a "business plan" (indicates lack of sophistication in early stage tech investing) 2) Talks to much about themselves or their firm (good investors should be 95% about understanding you and your business) 3) Talks negatively about anyone: This ...
2 thoughts (as I've invested in and been part if a few real estate development projects). 1 - ask around and try and find friends who know people in the industry and ask for an intro. Don't go in asking for money, ask for advice - it works way better. 2 - search on Clarity for people who live ...
Never get in business with people you want to buy out. Do not sign any agreement to give away such big chunk of your business unless you are 100% convinced they're the best people to work with. From your long description, it doesn't seem you believe they are trustworthy nor that they deliver the ...
The internet for vendors in your space and then make phone calls. The internet and then LinkedIn for investors in your space.
Hi. Great you have an opportunity to meet with an interested investor so early in the game. Your initial meeting will likely not result in a "yes" or "no," so view it as an information sharing session for both you. Given that, you should: * present the market need you're addressing * convey your ...