
Results for: Investors

Er... You don't require investors, you require customers. I know many people running this type of business. Startup cost is $0. Well, whatever your site hosting costs every month. Best starting point is just to research other Medical + Dental Tourism companies. Clone what they do. Pay your ...


Your assumption is not true. They don't care where you come from. Time is money regardless of where in the globe you come from. Ask for advice not money if you are going in cold. Don't send your deck, don't attach anything to that email and make sure the email is max four short sentences. Her...


Go to and scroll down to find the Startup Basics button. Felix Dennis was crystal clear in his book How To Get Rich that giving up equity was crazy. I agree with him. If, and only if, a co-founder can strongly impact the growth and effectiveness of the business...then I m...


AngelList is your best bet. Since you're asking the question, chances are you don't have a way to get introduced to these investors. The simple truth (like it or not) is the chances very low that you'll get a deal done without an introduction from someone they trust. AngelList can help with th...


I've used AngelList. To be honest, I've had better luck with local connections outside of the industry. My experience with it (which is biased) is that depending on the industry you want to invest in, AngelList only serves those who already have investors or angels. In my humble opinion, to get i...


Instead of calling it "comedy", aim for humor. Humor that supports a key discovery helps to anchor that insight in the investor's mind. I've coached many pitches, and find that when presenters are nervous they try to go for an improvised laugh, thinking it will cut the tension. However, in most ...


Just because two people are connected to each other on LinkedIn, doesn't mean that these two people have a strong connection to one another. So first, ask your Mentor directly whether (s)he knows this person well enough to make an introduction. Also, I'd suggest that instead of asking that th...


To answer your questions: 1) Mobile companies at your stage usually raise angel funding at a valuation equivalent of $5,000,000 for US based companies and $4,000,000 to $4,500,000 for Canadian companies. 2) The valuation is a function of how much you raise against that valuation. For instance, s...


Create an investor list who have a history of investing in similar lines. It may lead to deep research. Reach out to them via mails/calls for an introductory call. I am sure someone might be interested in your product but patience is the key. I helped a similar client in the past with some back g...


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