
Results for: Investors

Firstly be clear with what you are pitching exactly? If it service/ product , ask yourself why I need this service/ product? What is the pain area this service/prodcut can solved? Who are my competitors? How I am different from them? And last but not least how I can make money out of it? Answer...


It will depend upon your relationship with the investor. If the investor have trust upon you, then you may pitch anytime, however, if you don't know the investor for long, then you have to follow a process. You may setup a call to discuss more.


The fastest way would be: 1) Ask on Clarity! :) 2) 3) Contact the incubators and ask if they have a list they'd be willing to share. 4) Email entrepreneurs who recently raised and ask them for 2 names each. 5) Contact Series A/B investors and ask them who they'v...


Keep in mind that investors invest for returns. Telling a prospective investor that you want his or her money to grow your business but don't plan on ever generating a liquidation event that pays him or her a dividend is not likely going to work; angel or not. You may be better served with debt...


The technical legal answer is unless your subscription agreement or convertible note allowed for some type of rescission right, a contract was formed when he executed the subscription doc that generally can't be unilaterally rescinded. From a business and relationship standpoint, you may want t...


It depends completely on the legal documents you both signed related to his investment in the company. Those documents will either provide for "information rights" or not. If the documents don't stipulate to these kinds of rights, you are not obliged to show the investor anything.


U can look at or u can read this


Wow, lots of questions here. Let me try to hit them in order: "Should I get a job or find investors?" IF you have access to enough investor capital (not debt and not your savings) and you can get to MVP and still maintain ownership of a sizable majority of the business then do it. IF that...


If the investor is spending his precious time meeting with you, then I assume he has at least some interest in your event. If that's the case, then in my opinion, yes it would be a nice gesture and appreciated. Good luck with your pitch!


It is hard to determine the authenticity of Yamaoka Masatoshi as an investor based on the information given. It is worth noting that it is unusual for banks to ask for transfer fees prior to releasing funds from an international wire transfer. It is advisable to exercise caution when dealing with...


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