it depends on what your partnership agreement said but ultimately you should be able to create or execute on your buy sell given the terms of your partnership agreement. He should also forfeit any stock shares issued. If none of that has been done if the partnership was never inked properly, th...
I have been working as a Business Entrepreneur and have been working with many of the customers from Europe, North America. While creating a White Label solution, the most important part for the owner is to manage the security for the product as well manage the Quality to be delivered within the ...
This is a tricky question as you are entering a gray area if you are using material from Book Z to inspire your own book. Derivatives works are highly litigated and there is case law that you could turn to to help you make this decision but based on your example its going to be a fine line. You w...
I would set up a simple referral fee agreement. This could be 15% on the overall billing paid out the moment the client pays the market entry consultancy. You may want to include a clause that all recurring business should also attract a referral fee. Consulting assignments with new clients nor...