No, I think outsourcing this is at worst dangerous and at best lazy. Furthermore, unless this is highly focused on a type of user, I wouldn't trust that you could build user panels that were really of my potential customers. And therein lies the rub. Without real customers, it's impact and val...
Speak at Co-Work offices + Tech Meetups + Tech Conferences. Give 100 talks (easier than you think) + monitor your App usages every 10 talks. If people flock to your App, then just keep giving talks. If they don't, then either your App requires retooling or your messaging/explanation requires r...
When the cost to acquire each additional paid user: -is less than the prior user you are in viral growth. -is equal to the prior user you are growing. -is more that the prior user than you are starting to reach maturity (but possibly not there yet). -is equal to what you are willing to pay then...
The short answer (with respects to problems) is everything that comes along with capital. The good news is that there is significantly less red tape to cut through for innovation! In my journey from working at a Fortune 100 firm to starting my own company, I had a "transition" working with a med...
No-Skill-Guitar: Get a [guitar (Jasmine S35 Acoustic Guitar)] + [chord buddy (] + [electronic tuner (Intelli IMT500)]. Any time you hear a good song, look up the chords for free on, save the page as a .pdf, and you'll be able to play the song right away on the g...
Here are a few factors I would look at: - Mobile Friendly - Page Load Speed Testing - Competitor Analysis - Typical Industry Conversion Rates A few other things to look at I would recommend would be: - Look at insights/data from companies that do a lot of testing with different designs and con...
I recently went trough this with and previously with Find a channel that already carries one side and, find out if you can 'borrow' their content or access to people. For example you can scrape yellow pages listings for car dealerships ( filling u...
It's hard to give a really cut and dried answer without knowing all the details, but here are some tips based on my experience: First the bad news: from the way your question is worded, it sounds like you built the app without validating first. What I mean by that is that you didn't go out to th...
It's really ill-advised to solicit your vision from anyone. In my 20 years of building, investing and supporting tech companies, I don't know of a single success story that has it's origins in someone with your approach. Running a tech startup is incredibly hard. It demands sacrifices few are ...
You might want to try they have a free version that has their branding on it but allows for the use of most features and if its for a course then when they are done they can upgrade if they wanted to get rid of the branding. Just a thought take a look. Might be easier to setup then...