Hi Valentin, Have you considered splitting the research phase and the development phase? You can quote a fixed amount for the research phase (I'm sure you can estimate this in weeks and take the hit if you go over). You can say to the client that you will quote the development once the research ...
Why don't you use Wordpress? Free plugins like s2member are available; DAP and Wishlist are great paid options. Easy to use, too.
I need more information if possible? What kind of vouchers are you offering?
I am based in Canada and ended up opening a US bank account with Harris Bank in Chicago without physically visiting their office. This was about 4 years ago. So maybe contact them and see if they could help you.
Check out Offervault.com or like the the person said CJ.com. What type of signup is it?
Hi, If you were going to sell the business, the first thing a knowledgeable buyer (or investor) would do is normalize the wage expense vs. fair market. If you and the other founders are not paying yourselves what you would earn working for a stranger, then your financial statements are meaningle...
Enterprise companies approach sales for B2B a little different. There's a (1) structure and there's (2) talent. They can scale just because they can but they are also very wary of focusing their resources to the right people. On the other hand, companies who are at SME stage may need more effor...
How would you describe this app to a friend? Who would you recommend this app to? If the app wasn't working, what would you use instead? And observation! Just watching people use the app, you can see from their faces/hands which bit is working for them or not. Great to hone in those areas of...
You can do this through having a webinar for corporate executives. Run traffic to the webinar through Facebook and LinkedIn then at the end of the webinar have a soft sales pitch. Follow up with all participants through email and messenger.
One thing I like about your question is the fact that you're ASKING it. Trying to quantify profit. Most people never even get that far. They treat profit--especially if it is that of their own business--as some ethereal thing they will "get later" if possible. "To manage we must measure" is a ...