There are lots of great companies that make a profit while helping others. Many times, these companies are formatted as a pair of companies. For example: 'Helpco is a not-for profit corporation that does X and donates proceeds of it's activities to Y.' What is not part of the headline is that ...
First off, you have to find out who would be willing to pay for this. All the information you describe here is already out there online, if you have the knowledge and the time to research it. In my view, your segments should be found with people, who are too busy to build a schedule themselves, ...
I feel your pain — I've been there several times in a couple of my companies. Each situation ended up being unique, and had to be handled differently. I think there are a few things to consider before you make your decision: -- 1. What is in your cofounder's way? Is you cofounder being held u...
I would be curious to know why you feel it is important to use personality testing. I have hired over 20 sales reps and I have never used any testing. I have conversations with my hires because that is going to tell me more about their personality any day than a test. Plus you might eliminate som...
I have experience working at Target where we had thousands of different SKUs for the shoes and clothing department, and also handled online orders. In my experience the best platform for integrating physical retail inventory into an e-commerce platform is using Stitch Labs. Once you set up your ...
Too little information to answer. Ask yourself these questions: * What can they get in your community they can't get anywhere else? * Is your community going to see a value *more* than what the people in the community provide, i.e., are there tools, processes, vetting, moderating work that you d...
The Systems Mindset would work for your personal life. Consider the following quotes from Sam Carpenter's book "Work the System" : "Unhappy people are not in control of their lives because they spend their days coping with the unintentional bad results of unmanaged systems. Happy people are in...
You should always give someone what they deserve. Never more and never less. Most people don't know how to do this so they guess. They try to predict the future or they look for rules of thumb or they try other ways of guessing. Kind of like you are doing now. The best way to determine this is ...
I think you have a great start here - you seem to be detail oriented in both the "do's" and the "don't's" , and are genuinely trying to find a balance between task orientation and relationship orientation. In some of my work with tech teams, I have found the technique that is most illuminating is...
It's worth noting I'm not a lawyer (I advise you to check in with one) but have played a major role in 4 acquisitions. I would have the contract read that your client pays the success fees, seems a bit odd to have the acquiring company pay the success fees. Let them negotiate with the acquiri...