
Results for: Marketing Consulting

I'll cut right to the chase. You need to pay to get a good person. You are not selling a product with recurring revenues or a widget that a lot of people need. You do one-off projects for very custom business needs. These needs are random, and there is a LOT of competition. The person you wan...


So the bar patrons drive the value, right? If your fellow students start using the app (and start asking the guy at the door, "Can I pay the cover with XX app?"), then the bar owners will be the easy part. Focus your efforts on driving adoption. If you've already got 2 bars on the hook, then prin...


Having worked in a large non-profit, I'd need to know whether your product aligns with the mission and the goal priorities of our organization (the first hurdle). You might be surprised to know that non-profits get approached about being involved in a lot of things. Whether something is "free" or...


Enterprise companies approach sales for B2B a little different. There's a (1) structure and there's (2) talent. They can scale just because they can but they are also very wary of focusing their resources to the right people. On the other hand, companies who are at SME stage may need more effor...


Get this book: (not an affiliate link) I'm a sales trainer, but Claude has put everything together in this book already so why reinv...


This Udemy course is the best introduction to lean startup marketing that I know of: The content is very well explained in an engaging way with downloads, and screencasts which all help to show explicit examples o...


What I've done is write a book... Eventually there were 4 books and other special reports. I sell them on Amazon but often give them away to prospective clients. There is no greater pleasure than to submit a proposal to a prospect which includes the words...' I am an expert in this area and th...


Without more information on your intention and the target market's use for the application, itself, the simple answer is "yes." Many digital products available for US consumers are developed/launched outside of the States.


First things first. I must appreciate that the website has good content. You should ask yourself the purpose of creating this website. Information is now available all over the place. Right from individual portals to the Feedly, Mashable, Newsify and Pockets of the world. How do you want to dif...


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