Total Addressable (at least in the US) can be built based on market data sets, both free and for fee. For early child care centers, Market Data Retrieval and NCES (publicly available data set) are two recommended sources. For Serviceable, that depends on a) your own business / operating model and...
Yes. Use the "Link Text" in your facebook ads to A/B test various domain names. To do this, simply launch a few identical ads, and only change the link text to say the variation of the domain name you are considering. The ad with the highest CTR (not conversion rate or other KPI) will be th...
1. Explore competitor backlink and citation profiles. Looking at their backlink and citation data will help you identify relevant websites that may be useful for you to work with. In addition to this, you'll likely identify competitor marketing tactics that can help spark your own ideas. 2. Us...
Slack is best for internal communications but not exactly sharing information. Have you thought about Evernote Business?
I believe is what you are looking for.
First of all, starting a business on revenue generated from affiliate sales or incidental revenue is going to be minor and not enough to scale much less build a business. Unless you're a "solo-preneur" you'll need some additional form of revenue if you intend to add to the software-as-service web...
Are you asking how to find travelers to reach out to, or what to say when you get in touch with them?
Hi, Andy Jacob here....I haven't heard you mention that people want the product? I would make sure people actually will replace what they are currently using first..
Hi, I don't have a simple solution that I could suggest to you now. But I have a question for you: if you found a product, that would do that for you (a computer software, that would get all the information/updates from different websites, combine it in one place and optimize for you to absorb) w...
The struggle is REAL! MDs used to get paid by Pharma labs to get their attention (real life exemple: $30-80 just to fill a tiny online form). To my experience (consulting & entrepreneurship in healthcare/medtech), I would say that most MDs do not like emails, social media or cold calls. The best ...