
Results for: Marketing Strategy

First I would try to figure out why your conversion is not great. Also a level deeper finding out what a normal conversion rate in your market actually looks like. There are markets that have naturally low conversion rates - are you sure that yours is below market standard? If yes - this would ...


The list would depend on your business, audience and overall problem you are solving. Many people focus on the tools, then create process around them and only after that do they pursue an audience. This equation per se is wrong. The "secret sauce" if you want to call it that way is in your abil...


Start off with what you have written: Identify his message and mission. From what you write it sounds like his speaking presence is the way to go with this; maybe filming live presentations and selling them off as web/video. Or you could help him ghostwrite a book, and publish it yourselves on Am...


Personally, I think you should be focusing heavily on your current users that are loyal to your brand currently and worry less on trying to buy users and get more brand awareness. To be frank you should be letting your strongest customers do all the promotion for you organically. "K-factor" This ...


There's a lot of info on ASO out there, so I suggest hitting up a few blogs that write about it. Here's an overview we published just a couple of weeks ago:


Offer the client excellent customer service. The level of customer service you provide has a major impact on the customer's loyalty and return. Publish customer's reviews and testimonials. Be transparent & Always put your customers first.


Yes, absolutely there are very different rules that you have to follow for healthcare products. It mostly boils down to what you are claiming, and what the 'class' of your product is as defined by the FDA. You have to go through an extensive process to get certain healthcare products approved b...


It is always a good idea, but what you have to verify is that a product with a lower price will give the perception that it has a lower quality. If you want more advice, I am at your service.


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