
Results for: Marketplaces

I always suggest going "uncomfortably narrow" initially so that you can really dial in the user experience and build liquidity first. Going broad will be tougher as there's too much noise to signal. Also, it's best to fake the supply side initially of you can to improve the buyers side first, t...


Taskrabbit and oDesk. Though over time the most common requests are usually standardized into products to reduce complexity for the buyer. For most buyers the open ended nature of a bounty system is intimidating.


There are numerous possibilities. What was the original strategy outlined in your business model? Before even considering pricing you should understand that you need a value proposition. You also need to target a market segment with whom you are going to develop relationships. You also should b...


First of all I want to clarify one thing on your question that I believe it's not accurate: SaaS is a way to deliver technology (products) not a business model. The counter part of SaaS is on-premise or legacy, which is not a business model but how you deliver your product. For example, Salesfor...


Hi , I have experience on Google Drive , development , mostly Google SpreadSheets add-on and triggers with google script web scraping updating google spreadsheet and email notification based on search, If I have more knowledge about your requirement , maybe I can help, thanks


I agree with some of the recommendations above; 1) Focus on making sure your XML sitemap is accurate, and make sure your weightings (server priority weights) are set correctly from parent to child (category > sub-category > product detail). 2) Submit through Google webmaster tools 3) Submit par...


I think Alessandro has read the question wrong. An angel investor rarely invests in a plan. They invest in the entrepreneur and any evidence that the entrepreneur is on the right path. This is ideally expressed in some form of early traction, or at least early external validation. Early val...


There is quite a bit of information available online about eCommerce conversions rates. According to a ton of sources, average visitor-to-sale conversion rates vary from 1-3%. This does not mean the Furniture conversions will be the same. The bigger problem is that visitor-to-sale conversions ar...


Good question - digital B2B is definitely a particular challenge. One factor that determines the approach is the nature of your potential buyers' online habits. For example, if a significant percentage of your potential buyers use X social network, it makes sense to develop strategic marketing ...


You can read about Zaarly, which was a 2-sided reverse Craigslist, and their struggles with pricing and the ultimate impact it had on their decision to change to a storefront only tool. *


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