
Results for: Marketplaces

Your absolute first step is to gauge interest. Without demand, you will end up wasting your time and resources building something nobody wants. Find a need, know it inside and out, then build the solution to that need. Don't just talk to you friends and family (they are biased). Talk to the re...


Not sure I understand the question fully, so perhaps let me try to answer this more generally. Generally speaking, err on whatever approach minimizes friction for your users (both buyers and sellers). If you have a two-sided marketplace where a seller lists something (e.g. a commercial space ava...


Hello I am Veerendra Kooshna from Mauritius and has been writing articles on Facebook for some years now. My writing passion is appreciated by those who read my posts. Now, what is Clarity really about? As its name points out, it aims to clarify any doubts you may have on a subject. It's a platf...


Hello - this is a classic Chicken-Egg question. First, you need to identify the specific need that the buyers and sellers are facing. Are there already marketplaces that do what you're suggesting? Do those marketplaces have weaknesses? Do they have massive brand awareness that would make it diff...


Hello, I would go for a Phoenix framework (backend) / ELM (frontend) based platform. The use of these two functional languages will allow you to support high user concurrency and to serve real-time user experience. Feel free to reach me if you want to talk about it. Cheers


It sounds like you are headed in the direction of WordPress. Do you want to create an e-commerce portion, too? Check out Cheers! Let me know if you have any questions.


There are several questions/pieces of information you would want to consider to know which avenue to go down (a few highlighted below): - which platform are you going to be on-boarding and connecting students/tutors thoughts? web, mobile, hybrid or brick & mortar (includes actual phone calls etc...


The first thing to consider is are you building this as an MVP or are you digitizing a business where you are already offering this service successfully offline. Ultimately you get what you pay for and if you go down the cost-effective route initially MVP style you will need to rebuild at a late...


Good question. Which idea makes more sense? You could organize a survey to be distributed to a small group of people that represent your potential clients. See where the demand is and make your decision on that. The less-niche approach sounds sort of like Craigslist, which might be hard to compet...


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