
Results for: Messaging

I am going to begin my answer to this question not talking about writing emails at all, but rather getting at the true source of the problem. Then we'll talk text. The problem with "follow up" messages is they illuminate something is missing in your sales process. Most people fly by the seat of ...


You may think many users automatically prohibit the sending of push notifications and that may be the case for those who feel push notifications are intrusive and annoying. That being said, research actually indicates that app retention and engagement are up In fact, 68% of users opt-in to push ...


Well if you built the app then I would suggest add a means to allow the community to flag inappropriate messages, then start banning the responsible users.


As the profile doesn’t change very often, it would be worth getting someone to do this for you. Options are to go to, or, but I would recommend you get your marketing language really good in the original language before you get the translation done.


I think the closest I know of to what you're describing is Influitive. Influitive is SaaS software for advocate engagement, including discussion forums. They have a widget that can extend their experience into your app or website.


I've heard really good things about Ruby Receptionists - The should be able to cover all the needs you outlined. - mike


I've spent a lot of time in the telephony, call center, crm space and built a lot of applications that involve incoming phone calls and sms. I don't know of a product that works exactly as you specified but I have constructed things that did part of that for conferences and audience feedback. Y...


The first part if focus. Is there one user set that you are ideally suited for -- solve their needs and build your value prop around that. Many times, companies want to serve everyone so they end up with a watered down value prop that end up appealing to no one. Ironically, a strong value prop wo...


You have to create a different message for different markets. Let's think about Sears marketing for a moment.... For the ladies - See the softer side of Sears For the men - lifetime warranty for Craftsmen Tools. Many companies can market to multiple areas. The one main difference is they are c...


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