
Results for: Mobile Advertising

I have no experience in this other than the fact that I have done some research regarding the launch of a iPhone app for a previous employer. But seeing as no-one has answered yet I thought I'd point you to this: I know nothing about the effectiveness of th...


There is NO simple answer for this. Is the app a game? Is it a utility? Is it a social app? All apps have different advertising/launch strategies. On a broad level, Facebook's in-stream mobile app ads have proven to be very effective for conversions so I would probably start there. The key is to ...


1. Would be great if you can tell us more about your audience. 2. Do you have data sets available about your users. Age, gender, income, etc because if you don't have that then don't expect to get paid top dollars. 3. I don't think you need to build anything at all. Instead of using an Ad netwo...


I use ad monetization tactics to drive revenue for global mobile game brands. (Phase 10, Skip-Bo, Scattergories, etc.) Finding a way to monetize your users with ads without pushing them away is definitely a delicate balance. Answering your questions depends on 4 main factors: 1) Type of App 2) N...


You need to look at your KPI's. If your acquisition strategy can afford referrals, implement that, and ask your cleaners to spread the word (after they complete a clean) and reward them.


You should first figure out your audience more specifically. Females 15-40 is very broad. Will all of that audience like the 1 product you have..? Get specific before you advertise. For example - you are selling iphone cases so you would ideally like the ability to target only people with iphone...


Join an incubator program. Many of them have direct connects with media outlets and global news stations. If you are on the West Coast, I recommend, or 500 start ups.


I know that on Facebook and Twitter you can schedule ads and posts so that question should be answered. I know in Facebook you can target users by whether they're using a mobile or desktop device and also by which operating system they're using i.g. iOS or Android You can also target by intere...


amazing question. Relevant to me right as I look for a developer myself. There are not a lot of people looking for app developers, so ads would have been the last thing I would have suggested. An easily scalable business model is to hire local sales contractors to find and funnel leads thems...


I guess the best answer is, it depends. What kind of mobile game are you marketing? Who are you targeting? For what platform? (iOS, Android?) Different ad networks work better than others depending on the type of game. A good place to start would be MoPub, MDotM, Manage, and Insight.


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