
Results for: Mobile Apps

Not knowing exactly the violation you are speaking of, there could be two possible reasons for this: 1. Apple is aware of the alternative use of their platform and allows Fancy to use their system in a method that violates their TOS because of the volume of transactions and their communications ...


i was once a freelancer all the time i am accepting payments from different clients around the can setup an account on a online company the supports online money transfers and serves as an electronic alternative to traditional paper methods like checks and money orders. the most common ...


Better than choose an architecture and try to build the server side of your app, I suggest you to try to find a mate that helps you and was your cofounder. Just you will probably fail in building the app and keeping it working fine in the near future. One-founder teams are very risky for accelera...


Join an incubator program. Many of them have direct connects with media outlets and global news stations. If you are on the West Coast, I recommend, or 500 start ups.


Using Google Places API and storing the results in your own database likely violates the terms of service. Likewise, you are limited to the number of calls per day to the API. If you expect users to appreciate (and pay for) the software you are generating, you should do likewise. Go with the l...


Geez, if you are asking this because the person or people building this don't know the answer, you don't have a technical team capable of launching your "thing" ASAP. This is such a basic technical question that you need to stop what you're doing and find a competent technical co-founder before ...


It depends on the economics of your revenue model but as a general rule, $3.00 is the high point and $1.00 - $1.50 is the target range.


I have some experience in the past promoting my own services, apps,etc on Twitter. I've been able to build up a pretty good following of around 84.8K followers at the moment. I'm not bragging though because I know a lot of those followers are not targeted because of some mistakes I've done before...


How did you come to the $10K number? Based on revenue? Each of your contributions? Tough to answer this without understanding if the app is on the upswing or on decline etc. So... Does he want 5% equity of the app or 5% residual royalties? My guess is that he wants to participate in the revenue...


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