Hi, my name is Kruno, I was senior software Architect on a couple of projects all around the world. For what I got from your video it is obvious that it will be some kind of client-server architecture. My suggestion for the client side is Spring Boot + MongoDB + AngularJS (for building admin pan...
Yes. Who I would recommend would depend on what you'd like to see happen. Are you building only for iOS, or only for Android, or both? Will you have a bunch of content/stuff in your app or just a little? Are you thinking game or non-game app? Do you already have a big fanbase or would you be tryi...
If I had to pick a single efficient and affordable way of getting in front of a targeted audience I would have to recommend Facebook in-stream ads. You control the budget, the target group and the message and they are, right now, offering the highest conversion rates for mobile apps. Keep in mind...
You can start by having a text to download sign up on your website. I use Link Texting. You can also create a landing page that can build a email listing so that you can send emails to people who are interested in your app features. Read a article by Kevin Kelly called 1,000 True Fans.
Here is a simple thought to ponder: if the landmark is famous, is image recognition of people (with all the ethical issues that brings) necessary to promote it? What value does the image recognition bring that simple user documentation (i.e. user supplied data and imagery) would not? As a market...
You're facing an uphill battle. Angels and Seed Funds see a new app every hour of the day. Same goes for incubators and accelerators. No one will invest cold because there is no way to protect it. There's nothing patentable. You'll have to show rapid user adoption. If you can hit 10-20k users wit...
1. Get your marketing collateral together. Your case study and testimonials from your beta trial. Make sure you have a demo app ready so you can walk into any medical clinic and show the product on the spot. 2. For this industry, perhaps consider a small digital signage campaign. If you don't kn...
I founded one of the first independent app development studios just as App Store went live in 2008. In addition to building this successful indie studio, I've helped dozens of companies launch successful apps on App Store and Play Store. Congratulations! Ten thousand downloads a day is a great s...
For the sake of getting your question answered here it would help to simplify but that aside without firm stats on engagement and sharing it would be difficult to say however with the paid expansion of game like Flappy Bird, Angry Birds I would say viral apps come close to if not over a k-factor ...
There are tons of Free QR code creators (or low cost). You could create a coupon, assign unique QR codes for each affiliate (place them on cars), and scan them in store to give proper credit to the affiliates. The only problem I see with this is: human nature. We forget things, lose things, and...