I'd definitely go with something like LaunchRock. It will let you set up this page in minutes. You'll want to test your core hypothesis, namely that the value you think the app will provide is actually needed. As far as how long you wait, I think the general purpose of a landing page like this ...
B2C apps typically use a freemium model to make money off of in-app purchases and ad revenue. You could also make a paid monthly subscription model work in several categories, such as Newsstand. The challenge is finding the balance between giving enough functionality away for free so that your ap...
YOU ARE ASKING THE WRONG DAMN QUESTION.... Who cares if anyone here thinks you can make it. Do you think you can make it? More importantly -- do you have the guts to create something that is memorable in a space that has seen enough start-ups angling for consumer attention. Fair enough?
Ultimately, it depends on the value the app has for the buyer (not how much money you put into developing it). Unfortunately there are many reasons for a buyer to purchase an app and so there are many ways to value an app (a multiple of yearly revenues,number of active users, etc.) . A good solut...
You can do this by using a server backend such as Parse. They have a free SDK. There are other similar options and I believe apple is rolling out the same thing in iOS 8 with CloudKit.
Wow, this is sort of the penultimate question. I answer this not as a founder, but as a co-founder that watched several other founders and investors wrestle with this dilemma. I've seen the pattern repeat as a consultant as well. It's an issue! The problem with this common situation, is all abou...
What I'm going to offer something that is a bit tricky and you need to use it with a lot of caution. It will also require some development. One of the ways of growing fast and get additional users is by having current/ new subscribers to send their contact list a notification that they have joine...
I would suggest Yoyumm YoYumm is an online food delivery app solution that enables entrepreneurs to launch their online food delivery business conveniently. It is a fully customizable solution with a ready-made web portal for the admin and mobile apps for buyers, sellers, and delivery staff. Fo...
You need to publish tidbits of how to accomplish this online for free to become an authority on the subject. When you become known for this then companies will pay you to consult on it. In the short term, partner with development shops who build apps for customers. Get them onboarded as rese...