Give them parts of the product for free and if your product is great they will see the value in spending in you. The reality is that even free costs people time and effort, once you have provided them with value to return costing them money is not that much of a risk because they are already vest...
A few years back, my ambition was the only part of my life that I cared about. I was neglecting my health, relationships, and my happiness — all in the name of "more". I got a rude awakening when my beard turned white and fell out in patches. I was LITERALLY killing myself with the way I was wor...
Hi, as a software engineer you should have very little problem to generate a decent living. If you plan to start a business by yourself, I would strongly recommend to join a hackathon to find possible co-founders and/or generate new ideas. In times of COVID-19 there are plenty of online hackathon...
Well. 1) If you're in the U.S. just open a complaint with your State's Attorney General, because if you've been hit, many others have too. I'd also open the same complaint in the State of domicile for the company, if it's a U.S. company. 2) Start a PR campaign, appearing on Radio, TV, Podcasts...
Edit: check our affiliates page There are countless ways to make money online. I feel like one of the best places to begin is by starting a blog. This will require some effort initially, but it's a great way to gain followers and attention. Try to w...
There is no valuation until you sell something. An idea or a company is only worth what its sales are. Once you have your initials sales, sales strategy and forecasting length (ie 9 months from first customer lead to close) then you have a formula for valuation. Valuation for start-ups is gene...
Option 1. Before you muddy the waters go to a local bank and see if they can help. They may be able to provide you a short term loan. Option 2. Ask friends and family if they will loan you the money. Option 3. Get a pitch deck together and get on AngelList
Hi, check outmy response to another question similar to yours. I hope it helps. Overall what you need to do is grow your community of users, or depending on the app generate enough sales or interest typically before any investors considering joining you. Not impossible to get investors early on,...
I think you will likely get many different answers to this question, but my personal believe is that if you are building a software-based business and you don't have experience and you don't already have the right connections, your best shot at success is going to be if you do all the technical w...
First of all BE VERY CAREFUL about exiting investors while bringing new ones on. You cannot give investors money back out of proceeds raised from new investors. It's illegal (called Ponzi). This is a VERY tough scenario since you are dealing with two substantial issues - 1) building (or rebuild...