I love this question. If you have to work on the side while building your business, I recommend doing something you absolutely hate. That keeps you hungry to succeed on your own. You'll also typically save your energy for the evenings and weekends where you'll want it for your business. Don't exp...
I have found CrossComm in Durham, NC to be among the best. Sean, their tech lead, really helped us at Reveal Mobile. They are reasonably priced with an impressive client roster (Duke, LG, T-Mobile, etc...). See http://www.crosscomm.net/ and just give them a call at 919-667-9432.
Not necessarily. You have to weigh your available time and money. If you have more time, identify key influencers and build a relationship with them. If you have more money, then hire a PR firm who will do this in a way, but will really rent a lot of attention in the industry. Once you stop payin...
You can start by personally emailing them and saying thanks. Doing something public without their permission isn’t cool. I send Direct Messages on Twitter, emails, all day thanking people.
Absolutely, now more than never! If you take aside the psychological factors (motivation, strong desire, etc.), business success in general is dependent on 2 key variables : money and time (*not* experience). You cannot start a business with no money and no time. But if you have either of the t...
If you have an existing space, why not consider leveraging the current tenants for part of the money needed? Spend some money (tenants can pitch in for that instead) in a fundraising party! Invite local band, caterer (ask for discount in exchange of promotion) have some context for the event suc...
Hi dear, Getting 1000 subscriber is really hard now. But when your videos get daily 1,000 views. The money making on YouTube become really easy. Look How? 1.Apply for sponsership site like Famebit, etc 2.Join ClickBank select one product promote it in your videos. 3.Try to join affiliate networ...
Hi, by "story writing" do you mean you're writing fiction stories / books? If so, I can give you fast tips in 15 minutes, tops - no need to go longer. In the past 12 days I've written 37,000 words of a book using AI to turn my own experience into rapid, high quality content, and can show you how ...
If you want to "raise more money", you could add more advanced features and add in-app purchases for them. Statistically, about 5% of app users pay for in app purchases (but obviously depends on what features you add). Alternatively, add advertisements, or just use the existing income you're alre...