In general, your database has value. Probably very little, but value, nonetheless. It would have considerably more value if you revived it and were able to prove that you had a viable business and active user base. While there are investors who buy dormant businesses, you'll find a much larger ...
There is inherent risk to running a business and building a team of folks to help you grow it. That said, hiring the right people is paramount to your success and reducing the risk of theft or abuse. Hire people for their integrity rather than their skill set. Almost anyone can be taught skills...
I'd need to understand a bit more about your business, but I suspect one answer is to work toward getting an accounts receivable-based credit line. Amazon is a good company that pays it's bills. Lenders will either loan against the Amazon receivables or buy them from you at a discount. This ap...
That is a really ambiguous question - if someone gave you money, it really doesn't matter what you did with it. The money they gave you needs to follow tax laws related to gifting. If you invested that money and made a profit, you need to pay capital gains on your profits unless you have done som...
Hello There! First of all, Congratulations on taking up this step to change your destiny and reaching out here for help, not all people have the courage to do that. Well done!! Now for your question, I understand your situation but you don't need to worry about that, we all have been there wher...
If I were you, I would launch a Facebook Group. It's the easiest way right now to create a community around your business of people interested in your offering and which contribute to each other. Why a Facebook Group? Think about where is the primary place where people spend their time without...
I believe you have not had any answers to your question because it is not detailed enough. There are too many variables for someone to provide a comprehensive answer. Why are you closing the corp.? Were you the sole shareholder? Was the capital infusion listed as a loan on the corp. books? Who ...
Investors fund businesses that show promise and a handful of bookings wouldn't cut the deal. How are you going about marketing and branding it? If you have a strong website that offers flawless experience, then, the right marketing strategy can be the game changer to attract the target audience...
Read my books at Amazon Books under Michael Von Irvin. Find something that you have a great deal of passion for that also as the potential for earning lots of money. This may not be what you end up doing, but you will learn. Start now, right this moment. Start before you make a plan, but write ou...
Hello, My name is Mauricio and I currently work in both the private and government sectors. I have experience starting up my own business by leveraging owned assets. I am currently licensed as a real estate professional and I am in the process of obtaining my mortgage lending license. Dependi...