The quick and honest answer is - you don't. In games, as in many places in the software industry, ideas are worth nothing, only the implementation counts. In addition, ideas tend to evolve during development and the design you end up implementing in the final game is quite often very different f...
Based on my own experience building indie games I'd recommend these Reddit and Slack channels for beta testing: Reddit: Slack: https://www.ha...
Try designing an activity where the leader has to describe to his team members how to build something or complete a certain task, with his back facing the team so he can't see what they're doing. Succeeding in this type of activity will require that the leader is able to use clear communication w...
Some tips: 1) Fix the name and screenshots: The game dynamics are geared towards people that dislike Trump, or at least his wall idea, and yet A) Your game title is "Trump's Great Wall" B) The icon is a picture of Trump's face C) The first two screenshots show Trump happily building his wall....
Depends in the game, you will need to find out weather of not that game is kind of game people play in 2022. If it is played there are couple of ways i can give you at the top of my head - 1. Make a game GIG on fiver and sell your game 2. Grow you Instagram account and make it all about the game...
For the sake of getting your question answered here it would help to simplify but that aside without firm stats on engagement and sharing it would be difficult to say however with the paid expansion of game like Flappy Bird, Angry Birds I would say viral apps come close to if not over a k-factor ...
Hello, 1.First of all, you must define your business/marketing objective for this game app. Is this app designed for you to make money or reach users? You must be clear on what you intend your Game app to achieve for you. From what I see you post here, it seemed to me that your main objective is...
It's not easy to answer this question until you provide details regarding your idea. - You should engage a company/professional that specializes in mobile games to create a list of features required to shortlist the right software. - You should engage a graphic designer to help you design the ga...
You can start by having a text to download sign up on your website. I use Link Texting. You can also create a landing page that can build a email listing so that you can send emails to people who are interested in your app features. Read a article by Kevin Kelly called 1,000 True Fans.
In hopes to point you in the right direction, as it relates to the future of society and business advancements; A company that has arguably the most potential for drastically altering and revamping the way professionals execute verifications, background checks, and other skillset certification v...