
Results for: Naming

Yes. That is the whole purpose of the USPTO filing system. Whoever is first to file gets the mark. There is common law usage which they could argue but first to file is generally upheld.


If you'd like to talk to a professional namer, there are several of us on However, we generally charge for brainstorming, research, and consultation. Typically, a full service naming initiative takes days or weeks rather than minutes. That said, I have found calls do pro...


Maybe you can do Glamr and Shine should sound amazing and it’s nothing close to the other product so I would prefer Glamr and Shine!


Adjusting sail midstream is easier said than done. But, when the situation become inevitable, the sail must be adjusted to be able to sail further. Renaming, actually, is rebranding. It's often a case when sales starts going south, and survival is at stake. Yes, renaming always leaves an impact ...


Think about how other low cost offerings emphasize the discount level. Fiverr, for one. Cheap is a ticket to failure. For many, cheap means "easily breakable, unreliable junk." Although Google guards the information with its life, I also suspect that Google devalues the word cheap from an SEO...


Confusion. Once a brand is established people associate it with the products it sells or services it offers. Also, even if it is legal to register it in your own country, you could very well have problems should you ever want to branch out in the future. It's always best to try to come up with so...


You'll never get indexed by Google right away, it's going to take at least a few days or weeks, but there are a few things you can do to speed up the process as much as possible. 1. Create at least one simple landing page while your site is being developed and include a few paragraphs of text ex...


This isn't something I've done personally, and I'm not the right guy to walk you through it. But it should be possible. Online I see some public discussion about how to do such things with Microsoft Rewrite and IIS. Apart from URL rewriting, by using host headers, you can even allow white-labe...


Names are not so useful, emails yes! Export their emails in Linkedin and then upload to Facebook "audience" targeting and then you're good to go:)


Hi, you are going through a lot of problems with the name. I can give you the most important things to know about the copyright. Please read the copyright act of your country. There have so much information about copyright and how can you avoid copyright act easyly. If you already know that the ...


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