I would suggest using your old domain, unless you are changing your complete, brand identity into a new entity. 1. Your domain name is a part of a hierarchy that Google reads, meaning that if you create a new domain, it will lose that ranking. 2. The new domain also means you will "tell" the s...
Beware of generalizations! Translating a brand name is always a very unique situation. It depends very much on the languages, the audience, the product, the branding goals, and the name itself. Sometimes transliteration works. Sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes translating the underlying meanin...
This is indeed a tricky challenge, and you've articulated it well. However, without knowing the missing element ("brand name" / "mother name"), it's hard for me to give you specific guidance. Does the brand name itself suggest health and wellness (as, for example, "Hygieia Wellness" might), or ...
It's my opinion that establishing a clear personal brand position and strengthening it in the marketplace is an asset to your employer and yourself. As long as it's not distracting you from delivering on your KPIs, and creating greater positive awareness of your relationship to the business and ...
Hi there, Two things come to mind: 1) Go to the networks directly and ask them about their fill rates, historically, in your target countries. 2) Once you've identified 3 that seem pretty good, ask your programmer to implement an ad cascade. S/he can probably handle this with a .plist file if you...
Yes. Use the "Link Text" in your facebook ads to A/B test various domain names. To do this, simply launch a few identical ads, and only change the link text to say the variation of the domain name you are considering. The ad with the highest CTR (not conversion rate or other KPI) will be th...
Hello! This is a great question, my name is Humberto Valle, I'm a content and marketing strategist for www.Unthink.me. Our small agency bring big business tools to small growing companies. Your question is related to SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization. The reason why you don't see...
I have been managing multiple domains/sites for my clients since a few years now and I think the easiest and best way to do it in your case would be setting up simple WordPress sites on each one of them and managing them with something like ManageWP(https://managewp.com/) . If they're niche dom...
Let me start off by saying that my expertise is in domains proper – not websites and certainly not SEO. So I can't say with absolute certainty that a whois change won't affect Google rankings. Nobody CAN give you that kind of reassurance, since Google's algorithm is so inscrutable. What I can ...
I can help with registering your brand with Amazon. Contact me if you would like to talk.