I think we need to reframe the question around what audience do you want to serve? Who do you want to help? Focus on building the best possible resource to solve a certain problem, and trust that the money will follow. One affiliate example I often point to is TripAdvisor. They didn't set out t...
It would be useful to know the role you'd like your cofounder to play (i.e. technical, business, etc.), but here are some general ideas. Finding a good cofounder isn't easy, and your relationship has to be, or become, very close to succeed. To find one you'll need an idea that people can be passi...
Teamviewer works across both platforms and is very simple and secure to setup and use.
I would use pay-as-you-go model which lets me scale as and when required and pay accordingly. The traditional problem with Home grown software is you can't accurately predict the growth when you open the floodgates. So choosing a pay-as-you-go model works perfectly here. The other constraint I s...
I will give you two stories (both mine). It was 1999 and I was 15 years old. My mom's friend ask me to deliver some christmas cards. The reason was that there was a monopoly of mail delivery in my country and it was so expensive that it was worth it to pay a young kid to do it. I did it for her ...
1. I would attend Demo days for startups and plant seeds there. Attending meetups can be very helpful as well. 2. Subscribe to Crunchbase. When you see certain companies have raised certain about of money reach out to them. You can go cold or through an introduction. I am a firm believer in d...
Pairing bonus in a binary MLM plan is calculated based on distributor sales volume. Distributors receive pairing bonus on achieving balanced sales volume on each leg. This again depends on the compensation plan and payout structure of various MLM companies. Most MLM companies consider weaker leg ...
As a seed stage investor (13 deals in the last 12 months) I'm happy to tell you it is easier than ever before to meet seed stage investors. Here are a few ways: 1) conect with founders in your city who have been funded. Ask for their advice. Impress them and let them introduce you to their inves...
I would create an account with Manageflitter and/or Followerwonk - both integrate with Twitter. I know that many people feel negatively about Twitter but here's why it's great, especially for your quesiton: There are no privacy settings. Facebook and LinkedIn have tons of walls you run into w...
First you have to know a bit about Affiliate marketing and realize that actually there are at least very different types of affiliates and they all serve different purposes in the sales cycle. Some help push value conscious consumers over the edge (ie, coupon based sites that you refer to), but ...