
Results for: Networking

That sounds like a great startup project! Good for you and best of luck! My name is Humberto Valle, I'm the cofounder of a small global digital marketing agency. There are many ways to network and prospect, there are also ways to network and social behavior that will help you not ...


Complete the following sentence Stealth has developed or is developing .... that solves the problem of ..... for ...... When completed you should be able to identity venture capitalist firms who wish to and or have made investments in that space. Corporates are more problematic if your reasons...


This is what professional networking is about. Even if neither of your receive instant gratification on the objectives you're trying to push right now, the relationship could end up being profitable to both of you down the road.


I would suggest checking out They have a great service with a free tier that allows to to mingle with other people interested in starting like minded businesses. Through CoFoundersLab you can actively look for people in specific regions or people with specific skills.


Buyers are attracted to you because you are the expert. If you make a mistake along the way assume responsibility, learn, and move on. Nevertheless don't limit yourself due to fear. Take the leap and learn as you go.


I've helped several businesses do this. 1) Differentiate yourself - make your portal highly compelling for small-to-medium businesses. 2) Give it for free to businesses that are recognizable and will allow you to feature a testimonial from them. This will build credibility. I like to go after...


Offer to provide a course or training for the audience of a prospective JV partner. In my own business I have joined with real estate investors to teach internet marketing concepts to their students and then sold my products and services. I have also created a free course for a friend who is a ...


It would certainly be viable, particularly if you create events that appeal to particular groups of people. Be sure to appeal to both sides of each group: providers (businesses) and customers. For example, get a local restaurant to sponsor and provide samples of their food and do a presentation...


Disruption is your answer. You have to make the product disruptive or the product be competitive with disruptive pricing. Some entrepreneurs have this myth that if they convince the potential investors to use their products then they can get the investment, however this is wrong. If you make ciga...


Great idea I could help you launch the app and make it succeed in the market, There are many similar projects in my country but very fast cloase or fail , not so popular maybe I could give you a couple of good suggestions for work because I have experience how they should not work. I would love ...


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