
Results for: New Business Launch

Never launch before your value prop is clear. If your product is new and innovative you must pair it with affordability. If you have that even a buggy incomplete value prop will be preordered and otherwise welcomed. If your value prop is unclear you won't be able to efficiently edit and then re ...


It would certainly be viable, particularly if you create events that appeal to particular groups of people. Be sure to appeal to both sides of each group: providers (businesses) and customers. For example, get a local restaurant to sponsor and provide samples of their food and do a presentation...


If you are the officer of the S-corporation working substantially in the business then you should draw a reasonable salary. You do this by treating yourself as an employee and running your wages through payroll, withholding payroll taxes, etc. You can learn more about that at https://gethelptax...


I would suggest Ireland. The workforce is educated and hard-working. They speak English, which is critical for international work. Very favorable tax structure.


Depends on a large number of factors. Here are a couple - 1. If you own and operate them, do you have the capital to grow as fast as you would like? 2. Do you need to franchise, or will a standard license or dealer arrangement suffice? 3. How much control do you need to exercise over the operatio...


Absolutely. And it is easy as your imagination.You can create it to fit your culture. That said, I believe that the biggest incentive is to tie compensation to the profitability of the unit. 1) Be sure to include everyone who touches outcomes. 2) Create a profit share by deciding how much you w...


You'll need to provide some level of detail to get answers from this group. - Consumer retail or wholesale foodservice or ingredient? - Do you have a competitive advantage that is easily communicated? Happy to provide some direction if you can define the scope a bit.


Do it now! I don't know your life situation but there's no reason why you can't just continue to try and validate the idea by generating a few early leads and seeing what people are willing to pay before launching into your first project?


Hi there! In few words, the launch date does not matter a lot as long as you are following with a continuous marketing plan all the year. It is better to tune your lunch date according to your marketing campaign than connecting it to the seasonal event. The timing of your launch only matters if ...


When taking on employees you have to be mindful of state labor laws. If they are sales people working on commission only then you might get away with this form of payment. However if they are providing you skilled labor then you maybe required to pay them minimum wage. The bigger question should...


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