Currently, there is no free or paid tool that can keep track of leads a vendor gets and automatically charge them. You will have to create it yourself if you have coding knowledge or hire someone with experience in tracking. Homeadvisors between $15 to $60 per lead which is an effective way of g...
Have you taken a look at an affiliate network like Maxbounty? They publish their current rates here: If leads are delivered real-time and exclusive, prices go up. It also matters what the traffic source is: personally I have only generated leads from searc...
I think Facebook is great for really targeting your audience and you’re on the right track. But I think you can have a better funnel than that. I find, for getting better conversion today, it is better to get your Facebook traffic off of Facebook as fast as you can to your offer and into your fun...
You can still do it anyway. This is the old method. Replace the search keyword. Also Facebook intends to launch conversational search soon. So do not build one unless you intend to code it yourself
Swagbucks. LifePoints. MyPoints. Pinecone Research.
Keep asking great questions and focusing on fixing the issues and you'll get there! Video needs some innovation to become more accessible - you're on an interesting path! Upon visiting the site - I'm not surprised that this is an issue. You are doing very little to illustrate how your product de...
Engaging and communicating with your prospects is a sure way to build rapport and increase brand awareness in your local area. For a chiropractor, returning clients are typically the largest revenue stream. I would focus on reaching out to past clients and provide a compelling offer to get them ...
You might consider using oDesk ( It is a global marketplace of freelancers with expertise in areas like this.
Hi... :) There are many ways in which you can generate leads, from Passive Marketing Tactics such as: Direct Mail, Advertisements, Industry Directories, Yellow Pages (in some places they are still working), TV, Newspaper, or you can try one on one with the prospect (Active Marketing Tactics) suc...
For my money, nothing beats good content marketing. it drives your SEO (if optimized and framed correctly), establishes your level of expertise and gives your site visitors many layers with which to interact with as well as helps ultimately with conversion (abandonment follow-ups, drip campaigns...