Setting up a proper accounting system should be your #1 priority. There are many services such as Webgility that will sync your inventory with Quickbooks, Xero, etc and all of your sales channels (ebay, ecommerce, etsy, etc).
Engaging and communicating with your prospects is a sure way to build rapport and increase brand awareness in your local area. For a chiropractor, returning clients are typically the largest revenue stream. I would focus on reaching out to past clients and provide a compelling offer to get them ...
I am not convinced you need an investor for what you are doing. Why give up part of your company and someone else having a say in your dream. I would start with some simple videos at Udemy, going through that you will learn a lot and move up from there. You may also consider a local intern ...
Non-US profits are generally taxed only if the cash is repatriated back into the United States. So, for example, Coca-Cola's profits that it generates in countries outside the United States are not taxed by the IRS until that cash is moved into an account that is domiciled in the US. Of course,...
As a web designer, online visibility is incredibly important when it comes to branding globally. Depending on your business, a lot of your global business goals can be achieved by setting up an online business. You should register domains in the countries you'd like to market to, such as the US...
You can find your answer on the Small Business Association website for your state. If you still have questions, visit your local City Hall official and they can assist you.
That's awesome. You are at a first stage of building a MOOC, a Massive Open Online Course portal. I worked in the growth team of a UK startup that reached an explosive growth in 2015. I like your approach you applied the "don't scale" ap...
Great question, I have launched a few digital products and have helped others do the same. The steps can be as simple as: Setup a PayPal link and send it out to people or can involve complex applications. Without knowing the exact nature of the product or service in mind here are some general st...
Sorry, this is too late for the contest, but ou should be trying to direct market to one of the groups you mention on your website.... Interior Designers Based on what I see on your site, those would be the people that will want to buy from you most likely.
The best way to find the best market or customer is to choose one segment with one "solution" and start talking with them. See if they realy have a problem and which should be your solution to solve their problem. If you realize the segment you chose is not the best, look for other and repeat the...