
Results for: Online business

"What's the best way to interest busy consultants ... ?" As a busy consultant myself, I can say that you missed an opportunity right here. I read your question from start to finish, but it told me NOTHING about what you offer. By the end of the paragraph, all I know is that you're trying to se...


Developing an Online Classifieds Business is not an Easy Task ; most especially in this Day and Age. Before you Start , I would strongly advise you to visit ; to Carefully study how they have successfully converted it from a Free Classifieds Website into a (Global) Money Making Machi...


Hey, Aayush; I launched a marketing consulting business in 2008 and ended up teaching marketing strategy to companies like Disney, Cox Communications, and more before the recession hit in 2010 and forced a change in career. Let me share what I learned then with you. The easiest way to do this ...


Great question. Hi! My name is Humberto Valle, I'm an MBA growth strategist coach with years and exceptional experience. Your dilemma is not necessarily pricing, Airbnb might be a good place to belong but also consider that your ideal companies won't necessarily be looking for a nightly deal. E...


You can hire amazing research talent on Upwork. Before that though, you'll have to work out what your hypothesis is, what are you trying to prove? Given what you've shared, I'd guess that you're looking for recurring income. The easiest to start might be the goal setting program if it were trul...


There are several questions/pieces of information you would want to consider to know which avenue to go down (a few highlighted below): - which platform are you going to be on-boarding and connecting students/tutors thoughts? web, mobile, hybrid or brick & mortar (includes actual phone calls etc...


I have always wondered about that model when it's not vertical and anyone can sell anything Digital, Physical or Service. (Gumroad, Selify, etc) Marketplaces tend gain traction faster when they are vertical and specific. My best word of advice would be to select the vertical that's bringing in t...


Your question is too generic and carries no details about what kind of business you are looking or and what niche you want to target but if you would like to sell the business when it matures (or nearly matures), better go for a single product business as it will have less complications and an ea...


First of all, the fact that you are talking about market validation is great. I've seen so many startups invest time and money, only to find that no ones wants/needs their product, or that they only want a certain aspect of it (whilst the startup spent money developing a whole bunch of other feat...


Something you need to take into consideration (and most people forget) is to understand if the CEO is looking into the right numbers. That's how investors also vet entrepreneurs. Are they looking to achieve the right goals? For example, a successful e-commerce site always look to get as close...


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