To answer this question you'll need to know the lifetime value of an affiliate that joins your program. Once you calculate the value then you'll be able to determine what you can afford to pay. I would also look at qualifying what constitutes a valid referral to your affiliate program. The lifet...
Place your program on JVZoo or another affiliate marketing platform and pay an affiliate fee to the marketers for promoting your program. Give away a lot of free but valuable content to your online sphere of influence through twitter, linkedin, G+, FB, etc. If you would like to schedule a free ...
If I was you I would talk to those companies that have had great approach with retailers and learn from them. Some of this companies (not limit to this list) are: Reserve, Foursquare, Yelp, Density, Estimote Learn from them, maybe even partner with them
This can be a great way to gain valuable experience. Here are a few suggestions to help you in your search: 1)Look for multinational companies that have branches or operations in Nigeria like IBM, Microsoft, Google and Procter & Gamble. 2) Explore job search platforms and websites such as Jobbe...
There are so many answers to that question, but the critical thing is that you have to be tuned in to your organization's strategic goals. You have to know what the organization wants to accomplish -- and why --- before you can offer guidance on the best way to get there and how to measure your s...
Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer nor an accountant, and this is not "professional advice." I have, however, set up a few businesses and had partners. What you need to do is incorporate and then write up an Operating Agreement that lays out the terms of your partnership. Who owns what. How the ne...
You answered the question yourself. Preexistence of similar product is an indication of the demand. Given that your product have some additional feature, you should try to leverage the same and gain first mover advantage. Once you hit the tarmac you'll see other ideas evolving within yourself to ...
"What type of car should I buy?" As you can imagine, the answer to this question is highly dependent upon a number of factors. Similarly, you're asking some very specific questions. I anticipate that a number of experts here would love to help you with answering with specific questions -- but t...
Many well-known SaaS companies have doubled their prices. I've personally worked with a few that have gone through it. In most cases, your conversion rates stay the same and you see a huge jump in revenue. This is because people tend to under-price themselves. Also, your product improves over ti...
Hi There, I'd be happy to help walk through the growth process with you directly, but I should be clear that there isn't a "one-size-fits-all-solution". You can't simply "growth hack" anything. But you can quickly find strategies to reach customers, and if you have a product that people want y...