OF COURSE IT'S STRESSFUL TO BE A PARENT!!! It's the hardest damn job in the world. Not sure you can have balance though. You just need to have a dream, execute your plan, and fix what is broken at the time. It's about priorities... Use tools to keep you scheduled and accountable. You'll be OK.
You can raise money for 2 online businesses with the same parent at the same time. The term sheet and closing documents need to be crystal clear regarding the ownership and rights. If the parent company pays compensation for any of the employees that work on the 2 online businesses, a managemen...
If you have a question, independent of how you... Classify yourself... Parent/Student/Martian... Ask away!
Congratulations on starting your new venture. I think you have a couple of different routes and I'm a firm believer of finding a platform that "feels right" to you and focusing your efforts on it. For me, my podcast gives me direct access to my target audience of entrepreneurs and I also target...
On possible solution is to set up a joint venture company in Australia in which the US Co is a shareholder so you can maintain and parent subsidiary relationship and keep accounts separately as well. Let me know if you want to discuss further. Regards Umar
One approach would be to (1) Create a website from which your product can be purchased and downloaded; (2) Enable easy social sharing from the website so that happy customers multiply at no cost to you; (3) Market that site through PPC campaigns, targeting relevant search verticals. Basica...
To handle a restless teenager carry out these instruction: *Try and calm the teenager down *Give the restless teenager an attention to understand the root cause of the restlessness. *Show love *Avoid a crowded or noisy environment *Allow the teenager to have some rest *
I am an investor and advisor and have been structuring deals like this for many years. You can provide equity in the parent if you do not spinoff, provided that the people you provide the equity to agree to it in advance and you comply with all existing shareholders agreements and securities laws...
This is a tough question. Happy to connect you with someone who provides online coaching, based on the Adler Method. the person really believes in the cause, so they do the sessions for a relatively symbolic price (around $25 per session, for 12 sessions). Let me know if you're interested. Goo...
1- Find in-flight customer experience managers, cabin supervisors, flight attendant, take them out for lunch/coffee. 2-Talk about your project and ask if they want to be involved on a success fee basis, or consulting fee 4-find the manufacturer and interview them 3-book your next flight in front...