Hi I know you need start up funding and your best bet is to borrow capital or to partner with someone. While there are advantages is getting yourself out there real fast, there are still some pros and cons. I would suggest the following: a) Sit down and do a business plan or a projection for the ...
First of all, get an NDA in place. Then discuss with the potential partner what type of resources they can provide you to assist with time to market and after launch. From resources to operations to marketing, etc; what is the overall sense of the partnership.
I've gone down similar paths in the past. Here are your options: 1) Provisional Patent. if an implementation of their system to his new market would be patentable (i.e. using machine X to make donuts instead of jewelry), then you could file a provisional patent on the idea. Provisional patents a...
That's usually the case with early start-up entrepreneurs wherein every one struggles to create a "Happy Equity Index" to be able to decide the right proportion of equity division. In your case, it seems there are too many stakeholders with diverse contribution to the business. Hence, all of yo...
So the question is what are your "Plan B" options. Let's assume for a sake of argument you've weighed the options (build your own, buy from an established competitor, partner with this startup) and you've decided that partnering is the best option. One way you could protect yourself in the event ...
I myself run a startup and recently started tying up with big co-working companies and online educational providers in India. So yes, I don't think you should feel anyway less or intimidated by the brands you try to reach out. Based on the patterns I had observed in my conversions - a. Email to ...
I am not a lawyer and am not giving you professional advice here. Merely discussing the topic. I see what they are getting from you...but what are you getting from them? You lose control...they get your expertise...you can be booted out at any time thereafter. I don't see the upside. If they ...
I think it's important to understand your business goals before jumping into app development. Have you created a Lean Canvas or something like that? Do you know who the customer is and what they want? Has the developer built anything that they can show, even a mock-up or prototype? It's tempting ...