You usually only recognize the commissions as revenues and use the term "Gross Merchandise Value" (GMV) to describe the size of the marketplace (value of all transactions going through the site)
Would you hand over 100% of your paycheck to your investment advisor? In this scenario, you're being asked to invest your time instead of money but really, it's the same question. I've done several of these types of 'time investments.' Most have not worked out, one might. I'm not too worried ...
In normal cases each subcontracting partner is self responsible for its accounting. Depending on the country you are and kind of business you running, you need to find out what possibilities are possible. For sure there are services you can use, check out for example. There the...
I have noticed a 1% conversion rate to the Buy button. This is normal and anything over 1% is icing on the cake sales. That is actually 1 out of 100 sales which we notice with some of the apps we help our clients develop as well as the ecommerce websites we build for businesses. Our highest conv...
Depending on average transaction size, number of transactions and the potential risks you are taking on (i.e what are you responsible for if your friends product or service isn't delivered on?). Anywhere from 2-20% could work depending on the above. As for accounting, I would recommend keeping ...
Some people it's security. They're afraid that their credit card information will be stolen. Personally, I pay everything online. You also have the older generation that feel more safe writing a check and paying a bill online.
Try the telephone test. Every time someone in your family or someone else at the company calls you, answer the phone with the name. How does that feel to you? Does the person at the other end understand exactly what you just said? Try the cocktail party test - imagine you're at a football game o...
There are a many ways to setup payment in online marketplace. Here are a few examples: 1. Use a credit card processing service - This is the most common way to handle payments, and it's easy to set up. You just need to sign up with a reputable company and enter your billing and shipping informat...
For clarification. If I understand correctly, this is the womans business and you currently own the logo/word mark? For starters. If you filed the mark yesterday. You still do not own it officially. There is a long process of showing proof of use and paying the government fees. If you were my c...