Best place to start is your WHY. Your why represents your purpose and what makes you get out of bed in the morning. It gives you endurance during the difficult times because you have a higher motivation that's not linked to a paycheck. Yes earning money is great but your why is more important tha...
Don't pitch him anything. Find out what he thinks you should do, and ask what he's interested in doing. Maybe he'll suggest avenues for you to pursue. Maybe he'll come round and invest anyway. But there's a good chance you'll both get more out of a casual dinner if it's genuinely a casual din...
It's my opinion that establishing a clear personal brand position and strengthening it in the marketplace is an asset to your employer and yourself. As long as it's not distracting you from delivering on your KPIs, and creating greater positive awareness of your relationship to the business and ...
Yes, when you file your taxes you write off your investments as a loss. You wont be be taxed unless your business turns a profit.
Hey. :) Craft a joke that's relevant to the situation. Touch on the core essence of why everyone is attending, or make light of something that's happening in current news, preferably in a context that relates to your subject matter. As a backup you can alway open with asking people why they're ...
I'd be happy to speak w/ you on a call and share some meaningful insight. Thanks.
a) are you good at selling? b) can you afford to hire someone? c) do you have time to sell? Until you can afford to and literally don't have the time too, my gut says do it solo.
I do a lot of business with people on Elance (which is now being merged into Upwork and is going away, so stick with Upwork). The real challenge for US-based workers (which you may or may not be) is the price competitive nature of jobs when competing against an international workforce. There are ...
If you are conducting business then definitely open a business bank account for that. The primary reason is simply to have a separation of concerns. It's a huge hassle to have to have sort through a personal bank account to find all your business items when you need any kind of financial report...
Experts Exchange or Stack Overflow will be better places to ask this question.