Yeah it will be a great idea. I see many people like to listen instead of viewing video while traveling. This is why now a days audio books are getting popular among businessmen who don't have time to read or view long videos. Another reason might be that watching for so long with eyes is more st...
The steps are simple, but podcast promotion is not easy. 1. Know who your audience is 2. Make GREAT content for THAT audience. Content that leaves them going "WOW I've go to tell my friends about this." 3. Go to where that audience is. 4. Make friends with them bringing value to every conversa...
Hi: Your rationale here is decent, but you run the risk of trampling all over copyright issues. And ending up in a legal soup as a result. Giving credit does not absolve you of profiting off someone else's creation. And just because it's available for free doesn't mean there's no copyright protec...
Ask them! If you don't have any similar interviews yet, get some done in a niche close to this one. Credibility is important, and if you show you've done some and they listen to just part of one interview, that can be what pushes them over the edge. Everyone likes to talk about themselves. So do...
Most podcasts like you're describing start by using the audiences of their guests. This makes it tricky, because you're effectively asking someone to come on your show to leverage their audience for your growth. That's still a value proposition for the guest, however, because it's back links, e...
2 quick and simple ideas come to mind. 1. Open up iTunes, open the podcast section, open up your relevant categories and subcategories. e.g. business/business and marketing. Contact the podcasts that are in the "New and Noteworthy" sections or in the lower half of the top 200 podcasts sections....
Considering you already have a large following, your best option would be to fund your shows via Patreon ( Many shows on Youtube, and many musicians and other artists with a following make a considerable amount of money from their fans through Patreon, some over $20k / m...
In order to build a bigger fanbase start by creating some anticipation post on social media as well as your blog. You can even release parts of the e-book an an opt-in to email them when it's complete. In the anticipation stage however, I would not recommend going with pay per click or Facebook ...
Do the opposite. Think about it from their point of view. They get requests like these all the time and most of the time the request comes from random people they don't know. That would be kind of annoying right? You get an email from someone you don't know but they want you to do something for ...
There isn't a such a service per se. There are several methods we us to find bloggers but most are more manual. They are: 1) Via conferences like Affiliate Summit (largest affiliate conference in the US), Type-A Mom (one of the most active mom focused blog conferences), NMX (largest blog confere...