
Results for: Problem Solving

Your lead magnet should come directly from your offering. Your full offering should contain a lot of “wins” for your customers throughout the lifetime of your relationship with them. Your lead magnet should be 1 of those wins. This demonstrates that the full offering is worth it because your cust...


There is inherent risk to running a business and building a team of folks to help you grow it. That said, hiring the right people is paramount to your success and reducing the risk of theft or abuse. Hire people for their integrity rather than their skill set. Almost anyone can be taught skills...


One of the best ways to identify real problems in a market is to be a consultant and actually get paid to help solve the problem. Many great product companies started off this way (ex: Freshbooks, Hootsuite, Shopify, etc). They solved their own problem, and then build a solution so that others ...


As Dan Kennedy says, "Explorers tend to return full of arrows." In other words, good chance of failure trying anything new. Do something old, with a new spin. Tip: Read through Kennedy's books (I could 60+ on my bookshelf) about how to do... business spins... slapping a new face on an old indu...


It is completely normal to feel stuck in a situation where our intentions had been to help others but we get ourselves in trouble. This kind of experience makes us human and prevent us from future events that might be more damaging to us by teaching us some lesson. However, when you love someone...


From an overall messaging standpoint, you need to figure out how to tie in your messaging around the problem that they don't know they have to messaging around problems that they *do* know they have. Your product is likely not just solving one problem, but others by extension as well. In other wo...


Buy Local. Go with your gut. Ebay can only do so much to assist but you might get in touch with support for Ebay and ask them if you purchase it what is the guarantee. If the purchase itself does not have purchase protection I would forego the risk if youre not comfortable.


It depends on your charter or mission as well as your long term vs. Short term objectives. If your mission involves a larger more expansive view - then you will need to spend a lot more time on unique problem solving that has a strong potential ROI feeding the fulfillment of the mission. It kin...


It's really ill-advised to solicit your vision from anyone. In my 20 years of building, investing and supporting tech companies, I don't know of a single success story that has it's origins in someone with your approach. Running a tech startup is incredibly hard. It demands sacrifices few are ...


The best way to solve chicken and egg problems for marketplaces is to prove market need on each side independently first with a low-cost MVP-type test. Once you've proven the market on both sides with metrics it is much easier to leg in supply and demand with a strategic or enough funding to mat...


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