
Results for: Producing

I agree with Stanislov in general. Specifically Product Management as a Service in my case includes: 1. Due diligence for products and experiences 2. Recruiting or mentoring PMs 3. Tools and methods streamlining and implementations 4. Helping with strategy, product-market fit, market research et...


I think you build the fundation beautifully yourself in your "About us": "RealTalk is a new age social media, semi-anonymous platform for you to be your true self without filters. We want to provide you a safe space, free from any toxic validation and judgemental remarks. Unbottle as much as you ...


Hi, Although I've helped many SaaS startups, your question is a bit too general to give an educated answer, because it really depends on the type of service you are providing, the niche' you're targeting, the clientele, country, etc. For example, launching a SaaS product for B2B isn't the same a...


If you have large quantities of batch size, look into statistical process control. If they're smaller batches, the answer seems pretty straightforward (to me, at least): 1. Map out the production process step by step. Operations, inspections, decision points etc. 2. Install a final inspection ...


The "important attributes" of any product are typically determined by your target market and vary significantly, but broadly speaking "ease of use" for the customer could be added to your list.


yes! you have to just make a good template about your 8 Products and share them on google ads according to their traffic. for example, If you are selling mobile phone covers then you have to make beautiful GIF template about covers and share them on E-Commerce sites/


This is my kind of question! First off, let me tell you that you have a very well built website and the content and context is very good (I speak Spanish) My name is Humberto Valle, MBA Competitive Strategist - I'm an experienced web developer, programmer, and inbound growth strategist and have ...


Sorry, but this question is a bit backwards. You need to have an audience/need for your product or service BEFORE you create it. Having said that, I'd go back to the basics: a) create a niche b) determine an ideal client profile c) design a business plan


If you want long term evangelists you're going to have to think outside of the relationship between your product and the customer and focus specifically on the customer. Identify the influencers who are already engaging your brand through social media channels and see what you can learn about t...


Hello, It is completely possible, depend on your current product management software the method for gathering data for making unique groups with their allergic or other attributes can be vary. You can also add an online panel or system to increase the speed of this process; for example online sur...


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