with a product like this, I believe you need to be in a location and position to show the product to consumers. Have you exhibited at The outdoor show, or Boat Show. This would be ideal for yacht clubs that move boats on trails at start and end of season? Setting a booth or display at local yach...
I encourage you to read some answers of mine to similar questions asked on Clarity below. The value of Direct Outreach: https://clarity.fm/a/2149 Understanding your customer acquisition costs: https://clarity.fm/a/611 Using Twitter for early outreach: https://clarity.fm/a/438 The most impor...
It seems like you are cash-strapped. Option 1 - you can do is give equity instead of cash. Option 2 - you can give experience and no cash. Both of these options will be slower than compensating cash. And, you will have to think about a marketing strategy once you get your MVP done.
Yes, When hiring for a product designer role, having candidates with UX research experience is definitely a plus. It shows that they have a deeper understanding of user needs and can create designs that are more user-centered. It allows them to gather insights, conduct user testing, and make data...
I recommend you do some A/B (or "Split") testing. Choose a sample of your audience and market the product at $0.99. Market the same product to another group at $5. We expect that the lower price option will sell more, but we don't know until we experiment. In my experience, sometimes a lower pri...
If I were you, I would network with two strategies in mind, since you have two target audiences: 1) Host monthly open house events to invite the community into your practice to meet you and your staff. Offer giveaways during the open house for free consultations and healthy gift baskets. 2) Visit...
We need to start with the outcome in mind; if meeting facilitator knows what he/she would like to accomplish then meeting would be more productive. Basics are: 1. Create an agenda (and attach to it) and let it know 2. Be prepare 3. Listen to understand 4, Have an assigment to participans as a fo...
Hello, growth hacking can be applied to offline businesses and services too. There are a lot of businesses dealing with offline products that have used growth hacking to multiple sales and profits. SquattyPotty is one such brand. A lot of growth hacks nowadays use digital channels but depending...
you can get feedback on consumer-focused fintech product features: Online forums: Look for online forums or discussion groups related to personal finance or fintech. These can be a good place to get feedback from a broad range of people who are interested in financial technology. Socia...
Keep asking great questions and focusing on fixing the issues and you'll get there! Video needs some innovation to become more accessible - you're on an interesting path! Upon visiting the site - I'm not surprised that this is an issue. You are doing very little to illustrate how your product de...