
Results for: Producing

Over the years I have been asked many variants of this question, and the answer is almost always “yes, you can”, so what we prefer to dig in on is the “why should you”. There tend to be three scenarios where people ask this question: 1. A prior campaign failed and the founders want to try again...


Mediums are always evolving. However we are all witnessing more free information and support being given to people. The quality of free information has increased rapidly and many of the products that a market would have paid for last year are now available at no cost. It is also clear that as c...


I would storngly suggest you to consider a 4th optinion which is much cheaper and with a higher chance of giving you return. I've personally used this strategy to start my consulting business from 0 to 12 clients in the first 3 months. Here's exactly what you can do. How You Can Generate 5 to ...


The answer to this question depends on the nature of your product, and what 'class' of medical device it would fall under. Depending on what class it is, the process could be as easy as filling out a simple form and sending it to the FDA, or it could be as hard as a multi-year multi-million dolla...


Android commands a large market share, but is also very fragmented. One of the things you'll want to consider when developing for Android beyond 90% of your demographic using Android vs iOS, is that you'll also want to figure out what is most common versions of Android that they are using... For...


I've been in ecommerce for over a decade and have co-founded and helped start companies collectively driving over $10MM in ecommerce sales. I've consulted for Fortune 500 ecommerce stores. Here's my advice if you're just getting started without a big budget. Note: Some of this is copied from m...


No. But here are my two cents. Look only for a company who does not rely heavily in one other products besides what would be yours. Also, don't select a distributor who has a similar product as yours. You put them in a bind, even if they say they won't be affected in their decision making of w...


I don't think anyone would fault you for asking for more info that could help make you a better candidate. The sales team will definitely get you up and running the fastest. If you think something in your current situation would make you think otherwise, we can hop on a call just to make sure i...


You're dealing with the "fast follower" concept, here. To me the biggest issue is planning ahead since you know this is going to happen. If you are entering the market without a defensible position then it's going to be easier for someone to clone you and try to hack their way to faster growth. I...


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