A way that you can help your team is to communicate expectations clearly and early. This includes team meetings, how you work together, and 1-2-1s with managers to see how everything is going. It’s important that managers or team leaders have clearly communicated with their team what project mile...
Well, it depends on your skills and what kind of portfolio your clients ask for. I can share some comments if you are a content strategist, UX engineer, or a technical communicator. You can prepare custom portfolio, such as content inventory or gap analysis, or a quick guide from whatever apps yo...
The trial period is your courtship period, and the best opportunity to convert the user into a paying customer. Areas of focus - on boarding communication that includes welcome email, on boarding education of the platform, links to additional material on product/service - timely communication th...
Depends if each item is sold individual, why would you need a 6pk & 12pk? I would have one GTIN a 6pk, that way if they order 12 it is just two 6pks.
I recently added a heading in my resume called personal work, under it I put stuff that I have taught myself, or have just learned over time, but that cannot be placed into an actual work environment. As far as quantifying it, try not to learn things on sites that don't offer you some sort of ...
When we did this for our own company we implemented in house, but we were at a high level of execution and resources (<100 employees). If you are small I'd recommend http://www.referralcandy.com/. It's a very simple system that you can implement and the payment tiers let you get it fairly "invi...
It really depends on whether this is ultimately a top-down or bottom-up approach and to what extent the end-user experience is compelling enough to act as a forcing function to enterprise adoption. A bottom-up distributed mobile app must be both viral and incredible engaging. Without proof that...
Here's what I don't see so far: executive (buyer) INVOLVEMENT by your target customers. Go to them. Show them what you've got. Get the testimonials from your employee-level advisors to show them the need is legit. (Use these same employees to start going up the chain and finding out who are the ...
It's best to keep everything in a single company to start with. Before going further with my answer, I'm compelled to tell you that launching multiple products *rarely* works and unless you have very significant prior success, most investors will take interpret diversification as a very negative...
A typical and ubiquitous problem faced by any small, medium business is breaking the status-quo. The problem often fails to get resolved due to the sales/number focused approach envisioned by the organization. As a matter of fact, deciding around future enhancement (s) requires a lucid understand...