Yes, exactly what Twilio is capable of. If you need it for just your business, this can be done using simple scripts. Routing is actually the easy part. Voicemails are a bit more involved but they have you covered:
There are two sides to that question. One is the mobile app itself and the other is the backend. If I misunderstood in any way and you didn't mean "native" app I apologize in advance. On the backend, there is no clear cut answer to which is the "best". It depends solely on the developers you are...
I've helped build many affiliate networks, the best and easiest solution to building any network is using the following website. Let me know if you have anymore questions.
It depends on the kind of job you're looking for. For an early stage startup the "width" is relatively more important (but obviously the deeper the better too). Meanwhile for a bigger company with a lot more fellow coders the "depth" is relatively more important (but the more width the better too...
I have been away with a bad leg. And I don't agree with the answers so far (sorry). So to begin with, what resources do you have? Other people, time, money? These play a role in your choices and the reach you can achieve. If no one knows you exist, you won't get any customers, will you? It all c...
It depends on how similar the businesses are. For example if you are moving from selling shoes to selling hats versus you are moving from selling shoes to creating web apps – they are very different situations. Since you said that the marketplace model is the same, then it is probable that you ca...
One of the best incentives for employees is recognition, reward them by communicating face-to-face about how great of a job they are doing. They will continue trying to please you. Another great incentive is to give them flexible hours. Other incentives that worked were giving employees prime par...
Hi. Parse should do the job ( ). We've successfully used them at Vuzum across many native and hybrid apps on both iOS and Android.
Absolutely. And it is easy as your imagination.You can create it to fit your culture. That said, I believe that the biggest incentive is to tie compensation to the profitability of the unit. 1) Be sure to include everyone who touches outcomes. 2) Create a profit share by deciding how much you w...
I have worked on projects handling transfer of large image files across multiple vendors and being served on web for different targets (mobile, web etc.). I have also implemented cloud and DevOps solutions for high volume/scale of data and transactions. While I could tell you a list of technolo...