First I'm lot a tax attorney or even know anything about Malaysian tax law. I'm however a person that has moved around a lot and have encounter this situation before. You will must likely have to declare your US income in your home country. However some local tax laws allow for a deduction of fo...
Hello there could be many ways to publish your own book with a small cost. About the editing, you can edit the book yourself or hire a graphic designer that will do for you. About publishing, I can suggest platforms like amazon or blurb that have their own publishing platforms that allow you to ...
It depends on your budget. Companies like Nielsen or other international market research companies had offices in these cities and they offered professional research services. However, many successful teams in the region would build their own research projects in-house. If you are in a budget,...
In my experience, CPM ads pay much less than CPC. I think that your issue with AdSense was poor optimization / ad placement. I have a client who had very low CPC with high traffic website, and was making well over $10000 per month with AdSense. Before we optimized his site, with same traffic h...
Obviously you need to generate more leads. But then you need to segment your list. Your basic list are those leads who "come aboard" and want to know what's going on. Your qualified leads list are your potential buyers. Between the two, you need a gate. So, they come on your big list. Then t...
If I had to start over, I would have built my email list of raving fans first. I was already published on Amazon, B&N, Kobo, and iBooks, but I gained traction by having a readership of peeps on my mailing list who I could contact every time I had a book ready for release. Something I've learned...
Have you considered providing the book in electronic format. If somebody wants the book and are willing to pay the shipping fee, they get the paper copy, otherwise, it's a download.
It can depend on the type of book and goal for your book. But the strategies I know of working and that have worked for me. Involved building an audience of your own and leveraging other peoples audiences. So if you don't have an audience go through and find the thought leaders and personalitie...
One approach would be to (1) Create a website from which your product can be purchased and downloaded; (2) Enable easy social sharing from the website so that happy customers multiply at no cost to you; (3) Market that site through PPC campaigns, targeting relevant search verticals. Basica...
Not any way that I can think of. I would trust Amazon's judgement on this one. They want to sell your book just as much as you do.