Not necessarily I would think that is dependent upon how closely your product will be woven into the routine functions of the business and which areas of real estate it will apply.
Hi, Please can you be more specific? Mentors, team and experts is very broad and would be used for different purposes. Are you looking for different people for different reasons for each of these or more generalist people? What do you need from these people? Feel free to give me a call to di...
1. Make sure you have a great list. By "great" I mean targeted to the specific demographic and psychographic profile of your market. 2. Make sure you have a great message and offer. 3. If you aren't a skilled copywriter - hire one. Consider your cost of client acquisition (and if you haven't calc...
Hey There! Many businesses fail to maximize the potential of their content due to a lack of contextualization. It's great to see that you are taking steps to address this crucial aspect of content creation. Based on the information you have provided and the topics you are seeking help with, her...
There are no lenders that offer a fixed rate SBA business loan because SBA's fixed rate loan program is only for real estate backed loan. The SBA 7A program which is for non-real estate business acquisitions are variable rate loans. They are available as 10 year fully amortizing loans but they do...
Great question. Hi! My name is Humberto Valle, I'm an MBA growth strategist coach with years and exceptional experience. Your dilemma is not necessarily pricing, Airbnb might be a good place to belong but also consider that your ideal companies won't necessarily be looking for a nightly deal. E...
This is a great question. One of my associates works for a software company that is deploying an "in-house" solution for a major cement provider. The client had previously been working with commercial solution but quickly determined that a customized solution was more appropriate for their needs....
There has been a great deal of activity in this space especially over the last 1-2 years. There are various mHealth and digital health sites, groups, conferences and resources. I recommend you check out as one place to start. I have been working in this space for several years and can ...
2 thoughts (as I've invested in and been part if a few real estate development projects). 1 - ask around and try and find friends who know people in the industry and ask for an intro. Don't go in asking for money, ask for advice - it works way better. 2 - search on Clarity for people who live ...
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