Are you doing 'maker classes' for kids, or are you making and selling toys that help them learn on their own? If you're doing classes, the only way to sustainably scale up is to make sure that a majority of your classes are using digital maker tools, instead of physical ones. For instance, usin...
Hi! I don't have experience in your field, but I just wanted to say congrats for the idea, and for your business in general: it sounds like you're doing good! It sounds like you have two problems to overcome: money and the actual shop. Money-wise, if you think 6k/month would cover salary, rent,...
There is no minimum. The answer doesn't lie with how large your product catalogue is but your product differentiators. You can open a store with a single decor product for that matter. Instead of looking at volume, think about these aspects: - quality: is my product better? And how so? - price:...
Validation and monetization - two great questions. See some great tips on how to do validation in this answer: (happy to help you plan your specific validation process) Regarding monetization - the most suitable business models in t...
Your brand must conjure associations beyond the clothing itself. Fabric is only fabric. Attractive design matters, but market competition is enough to drive down prices. If you intend to ask a premium, then your product line must SUGGEST more than it literally is. Eventually, certain brands r...
The big question that is always a challenge for a marketplace is refereeing between buyers and sellers when there is a conflict. Basically, what processes are in place to make sure there is a resolution if a transaction turns sour between buyer and seller. Ebay, for example, tends to favor the bu...
My best guess is that you'd get it close to wholesale price, which is anywhere between 30% and 50% off retail price in the electronics industry. You'll need a sales tax license number to prove you're a business rather than an individual. Pricing requirements will depend on the manufacturer. S...
If you have international customers who speak other languages, response is lower when you speak to them in English. Solutions like Trustpilot handle that. Have implemented them plus some other methods for international customers in various countries, would be good to know a bit more about your sp...
One of the best ways to POC the service: I would sign up a few retailers and work through platforms like Upwork or Fiverr to get the job done. It will be time intensive, but the validation will be well worth the effort.
I would need some clarity around this question, the last part of it doesn't make to much sense. However, the name of the game is seamless flow. Why not figure out the top 5 common pos systems and contact the POS manufacturer. Companies like square offer these type of integration. I'd love to help...