
Results for: Retail

I've worked in digital marketing since 1997, led business operations at two digital marketing agencies, and advise digital agency owners on improving the business side of their agencies. Agencies tend to use some version of the standard consulting phases: Discovery, Analysis, Recommendations, an...


The easiest pitch would be to have a base retainer (say 1000$ a month) and then % of revenue increase since the baseline. It makes it easy for them and is far compelling cause you are now a revenue cost rather than a recurring sunk cost. The typical ecomm transaction has 10-12% margins? And th...


Creating an inclusive workplace environment that attracts and retains entry-level job seekers from various backgrounds requires a concerted effort and a commitment to diversity and inclusivity. Here are several strategies that companies can implement: Foster a Culture of Inclusion: Companies shou...


Maybe the prudent approach is to create a parallel system which includes all the newer technologies. Instead of an all or nothing transition, transfer one (or a few) functions at a time. If something goes wrong, you have a failback. If things work well, you can speed up the transition until ev...


I would say, what you are hearing is correct - I would take all 4 of those as MAIN factors. Maybe add another two - Verticals that you are an expert in. - Verticals where you will have enough $$ to break into / develop / support for some time, until you start making profits. Most startups op...


Please clarify ;) the situation : - do you have a contract with developers ? - do you own the app ? or does it belong to the developers until you pay them ? - why are the developers asking payment ? - do you have a running app ? which needs does it covers ? - did you set a company ? - who are you...


Why don't you do a design hack rather than change. Add in the image of the actual report they get to get people excited. Also add it to your sidebar of the site and have your right side pop up show up further down.


First of all, starting a business on revenue generated from affiliate sales or incidental revenue is going to be minor and not enough to scale much less build a business. Unless you're a "solo-preneur" you'll need some additional form of revenue if you intend to add to the software-as-service web...


The best thing to create is User Stories regarding the functionality that you would like and use an Agile Development process to prioritize and refine things as you build it. That will act as your todo list for functionality. I would also highly recommend wireframing all the major parts of your ...


Staff augmentation vs. project work in A&D are really two different companies. Another key segmentation is work that requires certification (NATO Clearance, secret clearance, Airbus/Boeing training, etc). On staff augmentation, a lot of young firms start off bringing in good ex-employees of the...


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