It depends if you're solving for quantity or quality. If your goal is to get the highest volume of traffic possible, then it sounds like search isn't going to be your primary channel, and targeting broader audiences on social media might be a better option. However, if your goal is to get qualif...
I agree with some of the recommendations above; 1) Focus on making sure your XML sitemap is accurate, and make sure your weightings (server priority weights) are set correctly from parent to child (category > sub-category > product detail). 2) Submit through Google webmaster tools 3) Submit par...
It's a difficult one to answer because Hubspot is a continuously evolving platform. What isn't working so well today will be great tomorrow. The speed at which they are developing is mind blowing. I've been watching this now for 1.5 years and it's pretty amazing. They're doing some pretty cool s...
There is a LOT to unpack here, and without knowing a lot more about your process, ideal client, the problem you're solving for them, it is hard to give a detailed and concise answer. But I'll give an "In general" one: Sales are often held up my a lack of accountability or the ability to make a ...
I personally prefer the second two. That being said, given ghat 25% of your leads come through your website you may want to test each variation to make sure your users respond well to the new design. You should also check how much traffic you're receiving from search engines and prepare for a dro...
When there's low search volume for your particular niche, it does make sense to see if you can attract traffic from peripheral niches and interests (which it sounds like you've been doing). Sounds to me like your goal, from an SEO perspective, should be focused on long-tail traffic acquisition, ...
Content optimization is about producing content that your audience find valuable. You can start with optimizing existing page content rather than focusing on producing new content on your blog. Here, optimize titles, descriptions, headings and messaging for topical/keyword focus. You can also l...
Hi there - There are two parts to the answer. First, it's very important to have a site map that is both current and does not have any URLs in it that return a status code other than a 200. Even 301 redirected URLs should not be in there. Also, the site map should not have more than 50,000 URLs....
I'm unclear about your requirement for "industrial". But i can offer Nimbus Portal Technologies as a success - they offer document management and secure team/client communications in the cloud. They are the dominant supplier in AU/NZ mainly because they integrate with...
It's really impossible to answer this question without a fuller analysis of your specific tax situation. "Float between" won't be the terminology used in a tax treaty! That being said, we've attempted to distill down different incorporation options at Incorporations.IO which is a free comparison...