
Results for: Sales

I do understand your concern, here is a link of potential PPC companies that can help you realize your dreams: Besides if you do have any questions give me a call:


I've worked with over 50 B2B companies to help them generate, nurture and close your leads. I think the question you asked is premature. B2B Saas startups usually goes through 4 stages discovery, validation, efficiency, and scale. Validation from one customer is a start but is not enough vali...


Hi there, That's quite a loaded question, and so I would have a few questions to clarify more. How big are your potential clients? e.g. 0-100, 100-250, 250-1000, 1000+? Do you have any early successes/clients? Are you looking for a low (automated) or high touch sales approach? Be happy to ch...


These might be useful: And for selling websites: best of luck


In my experience, VC's always want to know GAAP revenue because it's a way to compare apples to apples. We both know it's not perfect in that regard, and that cash is king, and they know that too, but that's the primary, standard metric. The good ones want to see both, so they really understand...


As your targets are SME companies with 3 or more developers you can use LinkedIn premium search for finding the list of top executives of the companies and send them in-mails for partnership! Another great source for you could be outsourcing websites where US development companies are represente...


I wonder what differentiates your site so that people want to pay to read the blogs. Who is your target market? Are all bloggers having established social networks? In another words, how is their social influence? Is $25 a one-time deal? Can they pay through mobile?


From what I understand, you are trying to help an SEO agency sell to other agencies that themselves sell to dental/medical companies? It's tricky without knowing more details, since this question keeps coming to mind: Why is the SEO agency interested in white-labelling their services to agencies...


Separate, but related note: "NYC Open Data" is growing every day & provides free data For national data check out the parent organization Great resources for public data records, which are 100% free, contains everything from real estate transaction...


Hi, Another option you have is start looking at creating a simple website, average expense should cost minimum $90 per month with the option to buy online. As for a free starter, i would recommend Marketplace or Amazon best. You would be having a clear idea of the market offers and you would also...


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