
Results for: Search Engine Optimization

I personally don't think SEO is dying it's just evolving. Before SEO was all about back link building but now social sharing takes a huge consideration in it.


Several thoughts... First, search engines are changing their valuation of sites that have a significant amount of likes/tweets/plus-ones/etc. From the perspective of the search engine, these validations are actually far more relevant/valuable than "backlinks" (which is an older way of increasing...


I would suggest utilizing for finding an expert. This site will allow you to create a detailed project proposal based on your needs and give you maximum flexibility to create a payment structure that fits your budget. Depending on how the training is structured, you can pay the expert ...


I deal with small business owners on a daily basis. Their knowledge of SEO varies greatly as does their competition in the SERPS. I will tell you that it is tough to give complete answers without first knowing how competitive your niche is. Advice: If those 50 domains are to be of any use, you ...


If you'd only like the content to live at one location, and you're worried about legacy links that people shared across the internet breaking, then a 301 redirect from the old URLs to the new URLs is what you're looking for. Every HTTP Request receives a response code from the web server. Respon...


This is a very open ended question. I would need to be able to see the website in question and gain access to google webmaster tools and analytics. I can say, if you fell entirely out of Google's results, it is a major error or you were caught doing some aggressive spamming. If it was a minor d...


My first question to you is what are these URLs? It's important to know what these urls role in your overall website (ie do they carry important search signals or not , or by them being crawled they actually diluting these search signals) so based on your answer above : if they are important , o...


immediaC has built and deployed more that 3000 website and mobile apps since 1998. Here are a couple of ideas for you to establish your credibility and built trust fast: 1 . Go do some pro bono for your favorite charity or non-profit. (We work with the local theatre, a few non-profit spor...


A really good place to start is by listening to Neil Patel and Eric Sui’a podcast called Marketing School. Few other resources are: - Brian Dean YouTube channel Backlinko - and their YouTube channel on whiteboard Friday’s - Matt Diggity and his blog - Lion Zeal Podcast - Searchenginel...


It depends if you're solving for quantity or quality. If your goal is to get the highest volume of traffic possible, then it sounds like search isn't going to be your primary channel, and targeting broader audiences on social media might be a better option. However, if your goal is to get qualif...


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